Somali Aid and Relief Association

Health and Nutrition

Health indicators in Somalia are among the lowest in the world. The immunization coverage rate for measles is 46% countrywide and even lower in hard-to-reach areas. one in every nine Somali children dies before their first birthday; and the maternal mortality ratio is 850 deaths per 100,000 live births.

The health care system in Somalia remains weak, poorly resourced, and inequitably distributed. SARA has planned to target rural health facilities in remote areas through providing communal centers, namely MCHs at far to reach rural areas, our efforts include the supply of medical equipment for both rural and urban MCHs and Hospitals. 

Specifically, our health programme has to ensure the continuity of health-services to further decrease maternal-mortality and related chronic diseases; and to provide stretching beds, delivery tables and essential medical drugs.

Rural communities have a challenge in accessing prominent health services at large, periodically in night-time, as electricity remain the core problem and rural community’s requesting to access to renewable power sources, by installing PV solar arrays “panels” to rural MCHs so as mother and children would be served during night-time. 

Through enduring into our commitment of ensuring the continuity of basic health services to reach an end of: mother and child are access to promised health services. Based on the health situation of SARA’s areas of operation, to improve poor health systems in the country SARA planning to assists hospitals for the provision medical equipment and supplies, construction and rehabilitation of health centres, support children and lactating women’s nutrition.

SARA provides systematic treatment of acutely malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women by having access to and utilizing quality services for the management of acute malnutrition; and it also expansion of women’s and children’s access to evidence-based and feasible nutrition and nutrition related services available through the use of the basic nutrition services packages.

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