Somali Aid and Relief Association

Human rights and Protection (Including GBV’s & SRHR)

SARA Human Right section focuses to Protect and Promote the Domestic working women’s human rights collectively. The objectives of the HR section are to gather grass root level, new born, struggling and mature organizations along with, Lawyers, media, government and other stakeholders for the collective action towards human rights. To share resources and support each other for the collective action at all level to bring a sustainable change in society. And to build a capacity of grass root organizations.

The most significant protection activities conducted by SARA are including; awareness campaign regarding Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting-FGM/C, early marriage and promotion of girl’s education, these campaigns were made in different ways such as events, debates, distribution of ICE materials, radio messages, school awareness, each activity delivered a specific message such as health and psychosocial impact of FGM/C on girls, effect of FGM/C and early marriage to the girl’s education, promotion of the right of education for girls, creating a safe or/and friendly spaces for adolescent girls and elimination of menstruation stigma among the girls.

Mainstreaming gender relations through sensitization for reducing gender-based violence and to ensure gender equality and equity. Networking /alliance building, media relations, women protection/shelters, legal referrals, awareness on rights, women right, campaign, researches, lobby advocacy, women protection/shelter, legal referrals, role of media.

SARA stands for those affected by humanitarian and conflict crises to be protected and receive basic services including legal aid. Our area of this sector is child protection, gender-based violence, housing, land and property. 

SARA has been an active role in the protection section which mainly implements all protection-related activities with also mainstreaming protection for all organization’s projects.

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